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Form I-824 Explained | Filing Tips, Fees & Processing Time: What You Should Know

Form must be completed by both parents, either in theĀ home or office of one parent or of bothĀ parents. If not all the documents are filled out, do not fill out both pages of the Form. You should then complete an additional Page by simply marking the pages that you are complete. To view the instructions for Form I-824, please see the accompanying Instructions and Form I-824. PDF Download (1.1 MB) The following information is a guideline for the completion of all pages of Form I-824: Page 1. (A) Copy of the application form; (B) Information page; (C) Explanation page; (D) Name page of the application form; (E) Statement of purpose page; (F) Signature page. Page 2. (A) Copy of any supporting documents including but not limited to the following: 1. Photograph or passport page. 2. Original documents of foreign citizens or foreign citizens residing in the U.S. 3. Original document with marriage certificate. 4. Original document with foreign birth certificate. (If no foreign citizenship or foreign citizenship, the document is acceptable.) 5. Original document showing relationship to alien. 6. Copy of the alien's current alien documents. (e.g., U.S. military documents). 7. Copy of Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record (B-1). Page 3. (A) Copy of the U.S. passport or visa page. (B) Copy of any foreign passport or visa pages. Explanation page if either parent does not have a U.S. passport or visa. (If both parents do not have a U.S. passport or visa, please use the information page.) (D) Name of the alien. (Note: The name of the alien will be on the alien's I-824 when the alien is approved.) (E) Signing page of Form I-824. (1) (A) Copies should be kept of all supporting documents for each parent listed in Part II. (B) The alien will sign the required Statement page in Part II in order to establish the fact that the petition is on behalf of the parent. (C) (D) If the parent does not have a U.S.

Online systems allow you to to organize your doc management and supercharge the productivity of one's workflow. Abide by the short handbook as a way to total Form I-824 Explained | Filing Tips, Fees & Processing Time, stay clear of glitches and furnish it in a timely manner:

How to complete a Form I-824 Explained | Filing Tips, Fees & Processing Time on the internet:

  1. On the website when using the form, simply click Launch Now and go with the editor.
  2. Use the clues to complete the related fields.
  3. Include your personal information and call info.
  4. Make convinced that you enter accurate information and quantities in best suited fields.
  5. Carefully check out the articles of the kind in the process as grammar and spelling.
  6. Refer to help you segment for people with any queries or handle our Help workforce.
  7. Put an electronic signature on the Form I-824 Explained | Filing Tips, Fees & Processing Time using the help of Indicator Software.
  8. Once the shape is done, press Executed.
  9. Distribute the ready variety by means of e mail or fax, print it out or save in your device.

PDF editor will allow you to definitely make changes in your Form I-824 Explained | Filing Tips, Fees & Processing Time from any on-line linked gadget, customise it as outlined by your requirements, indication it electronically and distribute in various methods.