Hi, thank you so much for watching my video. I'm sharing about immigration attorney. This video is about the U visa and its general requirements and the current processing time. Really quickly, first let's talk about some of the benefits. The main benefit is that it is a pathway to residency. You can become a lawful permanent resident one day through the U visa. So, it's not something you're gonna have to renew eternally like other benefits we've seen, like TPS for example. It's something that ultimately will wind you up with lawful permanent residency and then hopefully, one day, become a citizen. Another great thing about the U visa is that you can help out your family. If you have children, a spouse, parents, siblings that you want to help, of course always consult with an immigration attorney to see if you can help them. Because depending on the ages and your relationship to them, you may or may not be able to help them. Another great thing is that the U visa waives a lot of grounds of inadmissibility that other immigrant visas do not. I'll give you one example. I have a client who came into my office to immigrate through her US citizen spouse. When I did the general intake consultation, I found out that she had actually left the country after having been in the US for more than one year legally. She left to go visit a sick parent and then she returned undocumented again. So that actually triggered what's called a 10-year bar. That means she's gonna have to spend ten years outside. She's gonna have to do her interview abroad and she's going to have to spend ten years outside before her husband can even file for a waiver. She has kids here, she...
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U visa processing time 2025 Form: What You Should Know
However, the length of wait depends greatly on how long it took to adjudicate a U Visa case. The U Visa petition itself can take much longer to be adjudicated than the case itself. Determining whether an American citizen is a victim of a crime requires the completion of two separate and complex tasks: the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and Form I-129 (an application form for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). As of April 2017, only 25 percent of U Visa petitions were approved. More than half of the applications submitted in the first year of the program did not get any more than an “Unfavorable Recommendation.” The rest were either “Partial Recommendation” or “Unfavorable Recommendation — Denied.” For any U Visa case, there is a presumption of denial based on the U Visa petitioner's inability to demonstrate any of the following in the first 90 days: (1) that U.S. citizenship would be reasonably certain; or (2) that the U.S. citizen would have a substantial presence in the United States; or (3) that permanent resident status in the United States or lawful permission to enter or remain in the United States is reasonably certain. As of April 2017, the number of pending U Visa petitions (that is, those petitions not in OSC (Office of Service) processing) was about 1.8 million, and by February 2017, the total processing time was about 1.4 years. Thus, the current wait time is about 1.
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